Saturday, February 12, 2011

Confessions of an ex-XJW

This is a message to all my brothers and sisters in the “XJW” community. I regret to inform you that, effectively immediately, I am no longer an “XJW.”

Last night I was “ruminating,” as I sometimes do, and it occurred to me that I cannot in good conscience continue to be an “XJW.” In reality, I haven’t been one for quite some time; given the fact that I’ve been a Christian for ten years longer than I was a Jehovah’s witness. I’ve been a preacher for more than 35 years, ordained for more than 33, and a Bishop for more than four years. Being an “XJW” doesn’t define me, any more – has not defined me for many years.

The fact is I’ve been out for so long that I no longer have a clue about what’s happening inside the Watchtower Society. Their doctrines have so long ago stopped making sense that I cannot even imagine anymore why anyone would ever follow them.
I don’t have any loved ones still inside the Watchtower Society; except my younger brother – whom I haven’t spoken to for more than 35 years, and a couple of cousins – whom I’ve also not spoken to since my mother’s funeral, in 1988.

I don’t harbor any ill feelings for the current leadership of the Watchtower Society. Most of the guys who were in charge when I left, in 1974 are dead now, as far as I know; and the fact is I didn’t harbor any ill will against them either – just pity.

I guess in the final analysis I just don’t care about that, anymore. I look at the shenanigans of the current batch of “XJWs” engage in, and find it rather silly: why go to their “Memorial?” If you have family members inside it’s an embarrassment for them, and I doubt that anyone has been convinced to leave because of your actions.
I do admire the work that whistleblowers like Bill Bowen have been doing, don’t get me wrong; but let’s face it Jehovah’s witnesses aren’t the only ones who have problems with pedophiles. In the end pedophiles are pedophiles, and they must be exposed regardless to their religious ties.

My biggest regret is that I haven’t given XJW-Central the chance to live up to its potential. We were one of the “pioneer” groups to come onto cyberspace, in its early years – and have been around before some of the frontline groups were even conceived.
In a time when Wiccans, and Baha’i, and atheists and other detractors were dominating the “XJW movement,” XJW-Central was the one place where Christians could come, without fear of being run off. But I lost the passion for the web site over five years ago, and didn’t have the time or resources to keep up with some of the “new kids on the block.”

And then last night, as I was “ruminating,” I read a blog entry by Gus Astacio – one of the Moderators of XJW-Central. He posted a flyer, under the heading, Best Tract for JW's ive ever seen!!!! Of the groups listed at the bottom of this flyer, XJW-Central doesn’t even get an honorable mention.

I hope we’ve done some good, these 13 years; and I hope someone will step up as Senior Moderator, to keep the list going – and perhaps lead it to its full potential. For me, I intend to slip into the background, as a sort of “emeritus.” I’ll still be around, and still contribute to the conversation from time to time; but it’s time to turn my attention to the Church – and to maximizing the exposure to the outside world of the events that are troubling the Body of Christ, here in China.

Keep the Faith

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Post! I think a lot of us feel the same way. While being an XJW no longer defines who I am today, it did play an important part in making me that person. I'm proud to be free of the JW organization and I'm happy to help others but, like you mention, I've been free so long I really don't identify with it anymore. In fact, I could give you a rough estimate of how long I've been out of the borg(15-16 years depending on how you look at it) but to put an exact date on it, I don't even worry about it anymore.
